Website Checkup

Improve Your Visitor Activity

Are you putting in a lot of effort to promote your website but not getting any engagement? No phone calls, no emails, no forms submitted, no downloads - NOTHING! Did you check your analytics to see if you're getting traffic but people are leaving your website within seconds? A high bounce rate is not good. If prospects aren't spending enough time on your website, that will decrease your ability to convert them into customers.

When was the last time you made any updates to your website? Did you pay someone to create your website and are not happy with the design? Before you spend more time or money trying to figure out what to do, let me help you!

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Arba helps you understand why she offers recommendations and in-depth insights for your webpage. She sends you a one-page pdf file indicating what is or is not on the website. Arba presents a clear and concise analysis of her suggestions so that your website is presented well online. When you are ready to receive this feedback, I recommend contacting Arba, The Digital Technologist.

Brian K. Hill

Boss Mobility Life Coach

I've been designing websites since 1999 and know several factors that can improve your website analytics. I will check up to 10 pages of your website. You will receive a report and a 1-hour Zoom meeting with me to review the report with you. 

$50 Website Evaluation Request

Web Design Best Practices Ebook

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